Defective Automotive Products

Defective Automotive Products

What is a claim involving Defective Automotive Products?
Many times after our skilled team of professional investigators thoroughly examines a personal injury claim, a Blackmon lawyer will determine that the injury was caused by a defective product. A great number of the product liability claims we investigate are single vehicle accidents.

In investigating automobile accidents and product liability cases over the past 30 years, we have seen many single vehicle accidents that were caused by a design defect or mechanical problem. Single vehicle accidents where the occupant received injuries disproportionate to the severity of the accident can often be traced back to a defect.

Single vehicle accident investigations have revealed product liability cases involving fuel-fed fires, roof crush in rollover crashes, seat belt failure, seat defects, tire blowouts, door latch failure, and vehicle occupant ejection.

Do you have a product liability claim?

There may be a product liability claim if the occupant was killed or seriously injured by a defective product. If you feel you have a claim, our attorneys would like to talk to you. You may be entitled to compensation. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation legal consultation.

What are some issues involving tire safety and tire defects?

Tire failures, blowouts and detreads are foreseeable and preventable events. Manufacturers know that tire treads will wear with proper use and at some point fail if not serviced properly and replaced after their intended period of use has expired. Most new tires made today are estimated to last between 60,000 and 80,000 miles.

Obvious tire defects may be detected with a visual or cursory surface inspection when the tire is first installed and inflated. These include bulges, lumps, cracks and noticeable air leakage. Technicians should check for tire defects when any service work is done on the vehicle and its tires.

Tire tread separation can be caused by bonding problems in the tire manufacturing process, contaminants introduced into the tire during the tire making process, under-vulcanization, old ingredients, improper sized components, or something as simple as air being trapped in between the layers of the tire during manufacturing.

Detreading of these defective tires can result in single or multi vehicle accidents, or even rollovers. Even the auto manufacturers agree that drivers should be able to pull over, not roll over, when a tire detreads. That is unfortunately not always the case.

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If you feel you have a claim, our attorneys would like to talk to you. You may be entitled to compensation. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation legal consultation.

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